About Us
The Sandwich Garden Club aims to stimulate friendships, knowledge, and the love of gardening, and to enhance the beauty of Sandwich and Cape Cod.
The club exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Our objective is to advance and encourage the art of gardening and horticultural study with a directive of faithful conservation in keeping with the natural resources of Cape Cod.
To that end, the Sandwich Garden Club is a member of Pollinator Pathway of Cape Cod, "...a regional initiative to increase pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife...." ​
We are local gardeners that share our diverse interests in horticulture and civic participation. We are not affiliated with state and national garden clubs. Our experience ranges from beginner to Master Gardeners. As a result of our active role in gardening, our members refer to themselves as “the Diggers.”
We are governed by a board of directors in which each position is held for two years.
We normally meet on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30pm at the historic Sand Hill School Community Center at 16 Dewey Avenue in Sandwich. Our meetings provide useful information about gardening methods, plant cultural requirements, and local gardening events. Meetings include a raffle, snacks, a horticulture table with featured plants or cuttings, and a book exchange/borrow. You are welcome to attend a meeting to experience the magic of gardener-friends.
If you're ready to join, fill out our membership form. Or keep scrolling to learn about our committees, board of directors, affiliates, and history. Explore our website to learn about our projects and programs, or go here here if you would like more information about club membership.

Tending the garden at Mill Creek Park

Field trip to
New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill
Civic Committee
The Civic Committee adds to the beautification of our community by planting and maintaining two municipal gardens in town as well as five historic sign sites. We also brighten the winter holiday by decorating the Old Town Hall meeting room. In addition, the club provides funding to local nonprofits related to gardening and conservation, as well as scholarships to support students pursuing careers in landscaping and environmental sciences.
Municipal Gardens
Our members maintain two municipal gardens with annual cleanup, deadheading, pruning, and garden evaluation for fertilizing, dividing, removing, or planting new specimens:
Mill Creek Park, Route 130, across from Old Town Hall
Oak Crest Cove Garden, Quaker Meetinghouse Road
Historic District Signs
We enjoy adding beauty to our town. SGC members plant and maintain gardens that enhance five of Sandwich’s historic district signs:
Route 6A at Conway Realtors
The Visitor Center, Rte. 130
Two signs on Old Main St.
Route 6A & Old Main St.
Upon entering Town Hall Square, just up Main St.
The New Town Hall, Rte 6A & Tupper Rd.
Hydrangea Festival Committee
​Our club participates in the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival on a periodic basis, usually every other year. When we do participate, a committee is formed to coordinate with Festival staff, find people willing to open their gardens for tours, arrange tour docents, and advertise the festival.
Plant Education Committee
Use your plant expertise to help educate other members​.
Plant Sale Committee
​The committee oversees, organizes, and forms subcommittees to help carry out the many aspects of the sale, including soliciting plant donations from members, potting, pricing and labeling plants, delivering plants, and the setting up and taking down of the event at the Sandwich Town Green on Route 6A and Old Main St. All members are strongly encouraged to participate in the plant sale, our annual fundraiser, in some capacity.
Program Committee
This committee develops programs, workshops, and field trips for club members and guests.
Board of Directors
Vice President & Programs
Civic Chair
Membership Chair
Hospitality Chair
Member at Large
Member at Large
Past President
Jeanne Nichols
Lisa Sweterlitsch
Mary Marchese
Diane Boucher
Linda Fox
Jean Blake
Sandra Mirtl
June Murphy
​Beth Hearn

Our History
In the land of sand and wind, eight women answered a classified advertisement to share information about gardening on Cape Cod in 1997. When faced with the challenging conditions from nutrient poor sandy soil to heavy clay soil, these women wanted a group to help each other unravel the mystery of gardening on Cape Cod. They wanted to know how you apply science-based and organic solutions to our garden challenges.
Yvonne Kirshaw and Helen Knollmeyer led this inaugural group with Yvonne elected as the first President at the first meeting in 1998.
In these early days, the members planted and maintained a 17th-century herb garden at the Hoxie House and a memorial garden at the Council on Aging on Quaker Meetinghouse Road, Sandwich. They dedicated a bench to founding member Margaret (Peg) Gridley. They also maintained the garden at the Sandwich Chamber of Commerce Information booth on Route 130.
In 2006 we applied and were accepted as a 503C-7 Social Organization and renamed as The Sandwich Garden Club. Today we have a solid base of members and welcome new and experienced gardeners to our club.