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Project:  Summer Maintenance

Help our municipal gardens look their best

Dear members,


We need your help to keep the gardens at Mill Creek Park and Oak Crest Cove stay lush and beautiful through the growing season. You've heard the saying a million times but it's so true - many hands make light work!

  • Select one garden to work in... 

  • During one week...  

  • Go by one day during *your* week or more than one day if you want. Whatever day works for you! It shouldn't take more than a few hours.

Easy sign up. Click the maintenance schedule below and a table will pop up. Select an open week and garden (the blank spaces), then fill out the sign up form below.​ 


The maintenance schedule will be updated daily, so if you need to remind yourself when you signed up it will be posted there.


Mistakes happen, we'll be in touch if we need to sort anything  out. 


The time commitment is minimal - honest!

What do I need to do? Help keep the plants looking their best - deadhead, weed, and water as needed. 

hummer at oak crest_edited.jpg

Oak Crest Cove Visitor

A few details.​


Bring sunscreen, a hat, gloves, whatever tools you like to use, a container to collect weeds, and perhaps something to kneel on.


Oak Crest Cove has irrigation, but if something looks like it needs water (the thyme on the left side may need some water) there is a hose and a spigot on the side of the building.


Please water at Mill Creek Park if it's been dry. In that case, bring water jugs, either pre-filled or fill them using the water spigot in front of the old mill. 


If you notice an issue that needs more than you can resolve yourself - for example, an animal feasting on plants - please contact Elaine Davis, Civic Chairperson, at

Sign up here. 
Help keep Sandwich beautiful and our plants happy.

Your form has been submitted.

Thank you!

Garden locations

Mill Creek Park is located on Rte. 130 across from the Old Town Hall.


Oak Crest Cove is located near the Sandwich Recreation Office Building at 34 Quaker Meetinghouse Road near Peter's Pond.

Member meetings are held every month from September thru May, generally on the first Sunday at 1:30pm. Please check Programs for details.


Sandwich Garden Club

PO Box 1731
Sandwich, MA 02563 


Would you like to attend a meeting or do you have a question?
Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Thanks for submitting!

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